Meeting manufacturing needs head-on
Why was it that Sowa Corporation, founded in 1973, decided to focus on machining and welding as our primary fields? Our foremost motivation was to provide solutions to the challenges faced by customers in terms of efficient manufacturing of prototypes and other products produced in small lots of multiple models, machining of hard-to-cut materials, flexible inventory geared to the kanban system, and other areas of concern for customers.
As we went about meeting these needs, we found ourselves naturally establishing strengths in three particular areas: small-lot, multi-model production, short delivery deadlines, and quality control.
In the future, we intend to maintain our focus on manufacturing tailored to customer needs, while working unceasingly to improve our technologies and services so that we can provide even higher added value.
Business Policy
Our philosophy is to strive all-out for manufacturing that inspires confidence from our customers, to work to promote our line of business, and to provide better, more stable lives for each and every one of our employees, within the framework of an attractive corporate environment.
Mission Statement
Finding passion and commitment in our own work! Therein lies the road to ingenuity and inventive ideas.
Quality Policy
Providing products with stable quality that earn the confidence of our customers